
Is it the same slug in sheep’s clothing? When Breana first saw a slug, she ran into my arms in fear. When she was older, she wrote a story about a cute little family of snails. Putting a shell on a slug, transformed something ugly into something cute.


There is no separation between us, only the separation we create is our own mind.


The beauty of life is that we think differently. The ugliness of life, is we want everyone to think the way we do. Perhaps life would be easier if everyone believed the same things, but it wouldn’t be interesting.


Life is full of highs and lows. I have survived many lows and am happy for the highs. Each time I climb out of a low, I become a little wiser. The challenge is to find the right shoes with good traction, and start climbing.


It’s hard to find a good mud puddle these days. When I was young, I wanted to jump and splash through all of them. As I grew up, I chose to walk around them. Now that I am older, I want to splash through them again. Should I rejoice in my lightheartedness—or be worried?


Oh, if I didn’t have to pay taxes. I take comfort in knowing there are first responders that will come to my aid. I also like paved roads, postal services, the schools my grandchildren attend, and etc. Do I like how my tax dollars are spent? Not always, but I can vote and send letters


I hate weeding and wonder why I can’t learn to love them growing in my yard. Instead, I diligently poor soap and vinegar on those uninvited guests. Perhaps, I will reserve a small corner in my yard that’s just for them.


Every day is beautiful. Today is a sunny day, and yesterday was a rainy day. I look outside my window and see the sun sparkling off the water in the bay and the lush green vegetation all around, and say thank you for the beautiful sunny and rainy days.


Set the date. My friends and I worked together for many years and didn’t want to lose touch, so we meet for lunch once a month. We laugh and talk about life, and when it’s time to leave, we set the next date. I am reminded of the many friends I lost track of over


What happens when we die? When I lost my daughter, Breana, I jumped off the deep end and landed in a place where I found the answer. Religion opened the door, but science took me inside. You don't have to be in crisis. The truths are there—waiting to be found.